Books by Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) (sorted by popularity)
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Red Nails Robert E. Howard 897 downloads
The Hyborian Age Robert E. Howard 727 downloads
The Hour of the Dragon Robert E. Howard 675 downloads
Beyond the Black River Robert E. Howard 403 downloads
Shadows in Zamboula Robert E. Howard 372 downloads
Queen of the Black Coast Robert E. Howard 370 downloads
Jewels of Gwahlur Robert E. Howard 323 downloads
The shadow kingdom Robert E. Howard 322 downloads
A Witch Shall Be Born Robert E. Howard 308 downloads
Shadows in the Moonlight Robert E. Howard 304 downloads
The People of the Black Circle Robert E. Howard 304 downloads
Rattle of bones Robert E. Howard 281 downloads
Red shadows Robert E. Howard 279 downloads
The Devil in Iron Robert E. Howard 272 downloads
The lost race Robert E. Howard 257 downloads
Skulls in the stars Robert E. Howard 232 downloads
The grisly horror Robert E. Howard 231 downloads
Skull-face Robert E. Howard 222 downloads
Black Canaan Robert E. Howard 216 downloads
The dream snake Robert E. Howard 213 downloads
The mirrors of Tuzun Thune Robert E. Howard 202 downloads
The haunter of the ring Robert E. Howard 201 downloads
Dig me no grave Robert E. Howard 199 downloads
Gods of the North Robert E. Howard 196 downloads
The fire of Asshurbanipal Robert E. Howard 196 downloads
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