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Alias Πρόκλος Διάδοχος
See also: en.wikipedia
Displaying results 1–3
Ocellus Lucanus on the nature of the universe : Taurus, the Platonic philosopher, on the eternity of the world. Julius Firmicus Maternus of the thema mundi. Select theorems on the perpetuity of time, by Proclus.
Proclus, Tauros, and Julius Firmicus Maternus
philosophical and mathematical commentaries of Proclus on the first book of Euclid's elements (Vol. 1 of 2) : To which are added, A history of the restoration of Platonic theology, by the latter Platonists: And a translation from the Greek of Proclus's Theological elements
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos : or Quadripartite, being four books of the influence of the stars ... with a preface, explanatory notes, and an appendix containing extracts from the Almagest of Ptolemy and the whole of his Centiloquy, together with a short notice of Mr. Ranger's zodiacal planisphere and an explanatory plate
Displaying results 1–3