Books in Judaism (sorted by popularity)
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Antiquities of the Jews Flavius Josephus 7011 downloads
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem Flavius Josephus 4284 downloads
The Jewish State Theodor Herzl 3402 downloads
Genesis (Hebrew) 2280 downloads
Philo-Judæus of Alexandria Norman Bentwich 1754 downloads
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 1 Louis Ginzberg 950 downloads
The Bible, King James Version, Complete Contents Anonymous 920 downloads
Sipurim (Stories) (Hebrew) Samuel Vaknin 803 downloads
Against Apion Flavius Josephus 796 downloads
Tales (Hebrew) Carl Ewald 621 downloads
The New Jerusalem G. K. Chesterton 565 downloads
Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala 515 downloads
The Bible, King James version, Book 1: Genesis Anonymous 416 downloads
Prolegomena to the History of Israel Julius Wellhausen 347 downloads
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 2 Louis Ginzberg 327 downloads
The Promised Land Mary Antin 319 downloads
Jewish Literature and Other Essays Gustav Karpeles 317 downloads
An Extract out of Josephus's Discourse to The Greeks Concerning Hades Flavius Josephus 302 downloads
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 3 Louis Ginzberg 301 downloads
The Life of Flavius Josephus Flavius Josephus 295 downloads
Der Judenstaat: Versuch einer modernen Lösung der Judenfrage (German) Theodor Herzl 288 downloads
The Legends of the Jews — Volume 4 Louis Ginzberg 283 downloads
The Haskalah Movement in Russia Jacob S. Raisin 280 downloads
The Bible, King James version, Book 19: Psalms Anonymous 274 downloads
Jewish History : An Essay in the Philosophy of History Simon Dubnow 274 downloads
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