Books in US Civil War (sorted by popularity)
Lincoln Letters Abraham Lincoln 213 downloads
Memories : A record of personal experience and adventure during four years of war Fannie A. Beers 212 downloads
Three Years in the Federal Cavalry Willard W. Glazier 212 downloads
Within The Enemy's Lines Oliver Optic 212 downloads
Border and Bastille George A. Lawrence 211 downloads
The Boys of '61 Charles Carleton Coffin 210 downloads
Stone's River: The Turning-Point of the Civil War Wilson J. Vance 209 downloads
The Southerner: A Romance of the Real Lincoln Jr. Thomas Dixon 209 downloads
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Part 1. Ulysses S. Grant 208 downloads
Andersonville: A Story of Rebel Military Prisons — Volume 3 John McElroy 205 downloads
The Campaign of Chancellorsville Theodore Ayrault Dodge 205 downloads
The Wound Dresser Walt Whitman 205 downloads
Abraham Lincoln and the Union: A Chronicle of the Embattled North Nathaniel W. Stephenson 204 downloads
Some Personal Reminiscences of Service in the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac Hampton Sidney Thomas 204 downloads
The Rock of Chickamauga: A Story of the Western Crisis Joseph A. Altsheler 203 downloads
The Struggle for Missouri John McElroy 203 downloads
A Woman's Wartime Journal Dolly Sumner Lunt 202 downloads
A Man of the People: A Drama of Abraham Lincoln Jr. Thomas Dixon 202 downloads
Si Klegg, Book 6 John McElroy 200 downloads
History of Kershaw's Brigade D. A. Dickert 200 downloads
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Volume 2 Jefferson Davis 200 downloads
The Lost Despatch Natalie Sumner Lincoln 200 downloads
How the Flag Became Old Glory Mrs. Emma Look Scott 198 downloads
The Papers and Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 2: 1843-1858 Abraham Lincoln 198 downloads
The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson Edward Alexander Moore 198 downloads