Books in World War I (sorted by popularity)
France at War: On the Frontier of Civilization Rudyard Kipling 234 downloads
The Escape of a Princess Pat George Pearson and Edward Edwards 233 downloads
The Secret Memoirs of Bertha Krupp Henry W. Fischer 232 downloads
On the right of the British line Gilbert Nobbs 231 downloads
The Salvaging of Civilization H. G. Wells 230 downloads
Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons: Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot 229 downloads
Woodrow Wilson and the World War Charles Seymour 229 downloads
Armageddon—And After W. L. Courtney 229 downloads
Sir John French: An Authentic Biography Cecil Chisholm 226 downloads
Defenders of Democracy Militia of Mercy . Gift Book Committee 226 downloads
The Willing Horse: A Novel Ian Hay 225 downloads
The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner 224 downloads
My Four Years in Germany James W. Gerard 223 downloads
The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion) : Record of War Service, 1914-1918 223 downloads
England and Germany Emile Joseph Dillon 222 downloads
A Journey Through France in War Time Joseph G. Butler 221 downloads
War Letters of a Public-School Boy Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones 220 downloads
In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace H. G. Wells 220 downloads
Night Bombing with the Bedouins Robert Henry Reece 219 downloads
An Aviator's Field Book Oswald Boelcke 219 downloads
World's War Events, Vol. I 217 downloads
The Retreat from Mons George Stuart Gordon 217 downloads
The Escaping Club A. J. Evans 216 downloads
A General Sketch of the European War: The First Phase Hilaire Belloc 216 downloads
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916 Edward G. D. Liveing 216 downloads