Books in World War I (sorted by popularity)
The War Service of the 1/4 Royal Berkshire Regiment (T. F.) C. R. M. F. Cruttwell 182 downloads
Great Britain at War Jeffery Farnol 182 downloads
The Children of France Ruth Royce 181 downloads
What Peace Means Henry Van Dyke 179 downloads
War in the Garden of Eden Kermit Roosevelt 179 downloads
The World in Chains: Some Aspects of War and Trade John Mavrogordato 178 downloads
Kitchener's Mob: Adventures of an American in the British Army James Norman Hall 178 downloads
What is Coming? A Forecast of Things after the War H. G. Wells 177 downloads
Army Boys on the Firing Line; or, Holding Back the German Drive Homer Randall 177 downloads
The Riddle of the Rhine: Chemical Strategy in Peace and War Victor Lefebure 177 downloads
The Moving Picture Boys on the War Front Victor Appleton 177 downloads
With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia Anonymous 176 downloads
The Fight for Constantinople: A Story of the Gallipoli Peninsula Percy F. Westerman 175 downloads
Fighting in France Ross Kay 175 downloads
The Belgians to the Front James Fiske 174 downloads
Combed Out F. A. Voigt 174 downloads
The Delta of the Triple Elevens : the history of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery, United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces William Elmer Bachman 174 downloads
Foch the Man: A Life of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies Clara E. Laughlin 173 downloads
High Adventure: A Narrative of Air Fighting in France James Norman Hall 173 downloads
New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, 16. Oktober 1915 (German) Unknown 173 downloads
A Visit to Three Fronts: June 1916 Arthur Conan Doyle 172 downloads
Thoughts on religion at the front N. S. Talbot 172 downloads
World's War Events, Vol. II 172 downloads
Europe Since 1918 Herbert Adams Gibbons 172 downloads
L.P.M. : The End of the Great War J. Stewart Barney 172 downloads