Books in World War I (sorted by popularity)
The War After the War Isaac Frederick Marcosson 163 downloads
With Those Who Wait Frances Wilson Huard 163 downloads
Aviation in Peace and War Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes 163 downloads
The Heroic Record of the British Navy: A Short History of the Naval War, 1914-1918 Sir H. H. Bashford and Archibald Hurd 162 downloads
With British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian Achievement Baron Hugh Dalton Dalton 161 downloads
La dernière lettre écrite par des soldats français tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918 (French) 161 downloads
Letters from France C. E. W. Bean 161 downloads
The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914 Henry George Stebbins Noble 160 downloads
Everyday Foods in War Time Mary Swartz Rose 159 downloads
Handy War Guide for My Company: Handy Company Commander's Guide André Godefroy Lionel Hanguillart 158 downloads
Told in a French Garden Mildred Aldrich 158 downloads
The New Germany George Young 158 downloads
No Man's Land H. C. McNeile 157 downloads
Your Boys Gipsy Smith 156 downloads
With Our Soldiers in France Sherwood Eddy 156 downloads
The Kangaroo Marines R. W. Campbell 155 downloads
The Great Discovery Norman Maclean 155 downloads
Worrying Won't Win Montague Glass 155 downloads
Over the top with the 25th: Chronicle of events at Vimy Ridge and Courcellette R. Lewis 154 downloads
Digger Smith C. J. Dennis 153 downloads
Dixmude: The epic of the French marines (October 17-November 10, 1914) Charles Le Goffic 153 downloads
Mud and Khaki: Sketches from Flanders and France Vernon Bartlett 152 downloads
Ruth Fielding at the War Front; or, The Hunt for the Lost Soldier Alice B. Emerson 151 downloads
Battery E in France: 149th Field Artillery, Rainbow (42nd) Division Frederic Richard Kilner 151 downloads
The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12) 151 downloads