The Illustrated War News, Number 15, Nov. 18, 1914
The 28th: A Record of War Service in the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-19, Vol. I
Herbert Brayley Collett
"I was there" with the Yanks on the western front, 1917-1919
Cyrus Leroy Baldridge and Hilmar R. Baukhage
Negro Migration during the War
Emmett J. Scott
The Story of the Great War, Volume 7
Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 1
Tommy Atkins at War: As Told in His Own Letters
James Alexander Kilpatrick
Field Hospital and Flying Column
Violetta Thurstan
The Note-Book of an Attaché: Seven Months in the War Zone
Eric Fisher Wood
With the Doughboy in France: A Few Chapters of an American Effort
Edward Hungerford
With the British Army in The Holy Land
H. O. Lock
Aircraft and Submarines
Willis J. Abbot
Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference
Will Rogers
With Beatty off Jutland: A Romance of the Great Sea Fight
Percy F. Westerman
Bullets & Billets
Bruce Bairnsfather
With the French Flying Corps
Carroll Dana Winslow
Flying for France: With the American Escadrille at Verdun
James R. McConnell
The Story of the Great War, Volume 4
The Old Front Line
John Masefield
How I Filmed the War
Geoffrey H. Malins
The story of the 6th Battalion, the Durham Light Infantry : France, April 1915-November 1918
The Amateur Army
Patrick MacGill
Tell England: A Study in a Generation
Ernest Raymond
The Glory of the Trenches
Coningsby Dawson
World's War Events Volume 3