Books in Bestsellers, American, 1895-1923 (sorted by popularity)
The Kingdom Round the Corner: A Novel Coningsby Dawson 242 downloads
The silent places Stewart Edward White 240 downloads
The Princess Aline Richard Harding Davis 240 downloads
The Puppet Crown Harold MacGrath 239 downloads
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Jr. John Fox 237 downloads
The Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Complete Gilbert Parker 236 downloads
The Light in the Clearing: A Tale of the North Country in the Time of Silas Wright Irving Bacheller 235 downloads
T. Tembarom Frances Hodgson Burnett 233 downloads
Laugh and Live Douglas Fairbanks 232 downloads
A Hoosier Chronicle Meredith Nicholson 232 downloads
Beverly of Graustark George Barr McCutcheon 232 downloads
The Man from Brodney's George Barr McCutcheon 231 downloads
The Real Adventure Henry Kitchell Webster 231 downloads
Psychology and Industrial Efficiency Hugo Münsterberg 230 downloads
Shrewsbury: A Romance Stanley John Weyman 229 downloads
The Long Roll Mary Johnston 228 downloads
The Re-Creation of Brian Kent Harold Bell Wright 228 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Volume I, Part 2: 1866-1875 Albert Bigelow Paine 228 downloads
The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume II Burton Jesse Hendrick 228 downloads
Graustark George Barr McCutcheon 227 downloads
My Four Years in Germany James W. Gerard 226 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Volume II, Part 2: 1886-1900 Albert Bigelow Paine 225 downloads
A Modern Chronicle — Complete Winston Churchill 224 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Volume I, Part 1: 1835-1866 Albert Bigelow Paine 224 downloads
Truxton King: A Story of Graustark George Barr McCutcheon 223 downloads