Books in Bestsellers, American, 1895-1923 (sorted by popularity)
The Desert of Wheat Zane Grey 136 downloads
The Wheel of Life Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow 136 downloads
Life and Gabriella: The Story of a Woman's Courage Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow 136 downloads
South America: Observations and Impressions Viscount James Bryce Bryce 136 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Volume II, Part 1: 1886-1900 Albert Bigelow Paine 135 downloads
The Inside of the Cup — Volume 06 Winston Churchill 135 downloads
The Crisis — Volume 02 Winston Churchill 133 downloads
The Sisters-In-Law: A Novel of Our Time Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 133 downloads
Nan of Music Mountain Frank H. Spearman 133 downloads
Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie Edward Streeter 131 downloads
Gordon Keith Thomas Nelson Page 131 downloads
Auction of To-day Milton C. Work 131 downloads
The Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 3 Gilbert Parker 131 downloads
The Silver Horde Rex Beach 130 downloads
The First Hundred Thousand: Being the Unofficial Chronicle of a Unit of "K(1)" Ian Hay 130 downloads
The Land of Deepening Shadow: Germany-at-War D. Thomas Curtin 129 downloads
The Salamander Owen Johnson 129 downloads
Mary Marie Eleanor H. Porter 128 downloads
The Mississippi Bubble Emerson Hough 128 downloads
Coniston — Volume 02 Winston Churchill 128 downloads
The Adventures of Captain Horn Frank R. Stockton 128 downloads
A Modern Chronicle — Volume 08 Winston Churchill 128 downloads
Aylwin Theodore Watts-Dunton 127 downloads
A Modern Chronicle — Volume 05 Winston Churchill 126 downloads
Mark Twain: A Biography. Volume III, Part 1: 1900-1907 Albert Bigelow Paine 123 downloads