Books in Children's History (sorted by popularity)
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Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Complete Ulysses S. Grant 3072 downloads
Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt G. Maspero 2035 downloads
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1776 downloads
The Underground Railroad William Still 1506 downloads
The Story of Mankind Hendrik Willem Van Loon 1446 downloads
Woman in the Nineteenth Century Margaret Fuller 1316 downloads
History of the Philippine Islands Antonio de Morga 1102 downloads
Camps and Trails in China Roy Chapman Andrews and Yvette Borup Andrews 1039 downloads
The Story of Ireland Emily Lawless 906 downloads
This Country of Ours H. E. Marshall 793 downloads
Our Foreigners: A Chronicle of Americans in the Making Samuel Peter Orth 783 downloads
The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life Francis Parkman 781 downloads
History of the United States Charles A. Beard and Mary Ritter Beard 731 downloads
True Stories of History and Biography Nathaniel Hawthorne 697 downloads
A School History of the Great War Albert E. McKinley, Charles Augustin Coulomb, and Armand Jacques Gerson 654 downloads
The Story of the Greeks H. A. Guerber 612 downloads
A Child's History of England Charles Dickens 572 downloads
The Loss of the S. S. Titanic: Its Story and Its Lessons Lawrence Beesley 562 downloads
The Anti-Slavery Alphabet Anonymous 540 downloads
Ancient Egypt George Rawlinson and Arthur Gilman 536 downloads
Pioneers of the Old Southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground Constance Lindsay Skinner 532 downloads
Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters 486 downloads
The Story of the Barbary Corsairs Stanley Lane-Poole and J. D. Jerrold Kelley 446 downloads
American Men of Action Burton Egbert Stevenson 436 downloads
The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503 424 downloads
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