Books in Children's Literature (sorted by popularity)
The Village Uncle (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 166 downloads
A Little Union Scout Joel Chandler Harris 163 downloads
Beneath an Umbrella (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 162 downloads
The Little Hunchback Zia Frances Hodgson Burnett 162 downloads
Fancy's Show-Box (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 162 downloads
The Threefold Destiny (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 161 downloads
The Birds' Christmas Carol Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 160 downloads
The Sister Years (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 160 downloads
Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories Louisa May Alcott 158 downloads
The Rainbow and the Rose E. Nesbit 156 downloads
A Great Emergency and Other Tales Juliana Horatia Ewing 154 downloads
Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia: Being the Adventures of Prince Prigio's Son Andrew Lang 154 downloads
We and the World: A Book for Boys. Part II Juliana Horatia Ewing 153 downloads
Snow Flakes (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 152 downloads
Wie Wiselis Weg gefunden wird Erzählung (German) Johanna Spyri 152 downloads
Little Annie's Ramble (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 152 downloads
The Story of Patsy Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 151 downloads
My Robin Frances Hodgson Burnett 151 downloads
Mother Carey's Chickens Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 151 downloads
The Adventures of Mr. Mocker Thornton W. Burgess 151 downloads
Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men Juliana Horatia Ewing 149 downloads
Lightfoot the Deer Thornton W. Burgess 148 downloads
Erick and Sally Johanna Spyri 148 downloads
Contes pour les petits garçons (French) Christoph von Schmid 145 downloads
We and the World: A Book for Boys. Part I Juliana Horatia Ewing 144 downloads