Books in Children's Instructional Books (sorted by popularity)
Denmark M. Pearson Thomson 389 downloads
McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader William Holmes McGuffey 384 downloads
The Book of Nature Myths Florence Holbrook 374 downloads
The Insect Folk Margaret Warner Morley 342 downloads
On the Trail: An Outdoor Book for Girls Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard 321 downloads
De La Salle Fifth Reader Christian Brothers 315 downloads
Peeps at Many Lands: Norway A. F. Mockler-Ferryman 311 downloads
The Beacon Second Reader James H. Fassett 311 downloads
The Child's World: Third Reader W. K. Tate, Sarah Withers, and Hetty Sibyl Browne 311 downloads
How to Write Clearly: Rules and Exercises on English Composition Edwin Abbott Abbott 308 downloads
Modern Prose And Poetry; For Secondary Schools 308 downloads
Stories about Animals: with Pictures to Match Francis C. Woodworth 298 downloads
The Story of the Mind James Mark Baldwin 291 downloads
The Curious Book of Birds Abbie Farwell Brown 290 downloads
The History of Insects Unknown 284 downloads
The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886 Ontario. Department of Education 283 downloads
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader (Latin) Francis Ritchie 282 downloads
Walter and the Wireless Sara Ware Bassett 281 downloads
Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book Two Augusta Stevenson 269 downloads
Among the Farmyard People Clara Dillingham Pierson 268 downloads
A History of the McGuffey Readers Henry Hobart Vail 263 downloads
Poems Teachers Ask For, Book Two Various 262 downloads
Chambers's Elementary Science Readers Various 261 downloads
Our Common Insects A. S. Packard 259 downloads
The Ontario Readers: Third Book Ontario. Department of Education 255 downloads