Books in Browsing: Architecture (sorted by popularity)
The Art of the Exposition Eugen Neuhaus 152 downloads
Trois Églises (French) J.-K. Huysmans 152 downloads
The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Vol. 01, No. 05, May 1895 Various 152 downloads
Orienting the House: A Study of the Placing of the House with Relation to the Sun's Rays American Face Brick Association 152 downloads
The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, vol. 06, No. 11, November 1900 Various 152 downloads
Flowers from Mediæval History Minnie D. Kellogg 150 downloads
Londinium, Architecture and the Crafts W. R. Lethaby 150 downloads
Acoustics of auditoriums Floyd Rowe Watson 149 downloads
The Baronial Halls, and Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England; Vol. 1 of 2 S. C. Hall 149 downloads
The Mentor: Beautiful Buildings of the World, Serial no. 33 Clarence Ward 149 downloads
Die altindische Säule: Ein Beitrag zur Säulenkunde (German) Hans Sohrmann 149 downloads
The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, vol. 06, No. 01, January 1900 A. D. F. Hamlin 148 downloads
Lectures on the rise and development of medieval architecture; vol. 2 Sir George Gilbert Scott 148 downloads
Royal Palaces of Spain Albert Frederick Calvert 148 downloads
On building a theatre Irving Pichel 148 downloads
Hints for painters, decorators, and paper-hangers. An Old Hand 148 downloads
The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople: A Study of Byzantine Building W. R. Lethaby and Harold Swainson 146 downloads
A Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin 146 downloads
A architectura religiosa na Edade Média (Portuguese) Augusto Fuschini 146 downloads
An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition Sheldon Cheney 146 downloads
The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Aug. 1869 Various 145 downloads
The Historical Growth of the English Parish Church A. Hamilton Thompson 145 downloads
London Cries & Public Edifices John Leighton 144 downloads
Little Books About Old Furniture. Volume II. The Period of Queen Anne J. P. Blake and A. E. Reveirs-Hopkins 144 downloads
Some architectural problems of to-day Sir C. H. Reilly 143 downloads