Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted by popularity)
Chapters from My Autobiography Mark Twain 676 downloads
A Book of Scoundrels Charles Whibley 674 downloads
James Fenimore Cooper Mary Elizabeth Phillips 671 downloads
The Letters of Charles Dickens. Vol. 1, 1833-1856 Charles Dickens 669 downloads
Ten Days in a Mad-house Nellie Bly 666 downloads
Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02 John Hay and John G. Nicolay 665 downloads
Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee Robert E. Lee 665 downloads
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1 Charles Darwin 663 downloads
Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe 661 downloads
The Autobiography of Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 661 downloads
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume XIV, South Carolina Narratives, Part 3 United States. Work Projects Administration 657 downloads
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan Isabella L. Bird 652 downloads
Edison: His Life and Inventions Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin 649 downloads
History of Linn County Iowa Luther Albertus Brewer and Barthinius L. Wick 647 downloads
Histoire de ma Vie, Livre 1 (Vol. 1 - 4) (French) George Sand 646 downloads
The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint of Avila Teresa 643 downloads
Journal 01, 1837-1846 Henry David Thoreau 641 downloads
Wagner as Man & Artist Ernest Newman 640 downloads
The Mirror of the Sea Joseph Conrad 638 downloads
My Memoirs, Vol. V, 1831 to 1832 Alexandre Dumas 638 downloads
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy 636 downloads
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume VIII, Maryland Narratives United States. Work Projects Administration 635 downloads
A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography 635 downloads
Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life Iamblichus 634 downloads
The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences Frederick Treves 633 downloads