Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted by popularity)
The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits Lewis Carroll 755 downloads
Cole's Funny Picture Book No. 1 E. W. Cole 755 downloads
The Tale of Two Bad Mice Beatrix Potter 754 downloads
Daddy Takes Us to the Garden Howard Roger Garis 750 downloads
The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies Beatrix Potter 748 downloads
The Little Lame Prince Dinah Maria Mulock Craik 746 downloads
The Magic City E. Nesbit 745 downloads
Fifty-Two Story Talks to Boys and Girls Howard J. Chidley 737 downloads
A Book of Myths Jean Lang 734 downloads
The Tale of Mr. Tod Beatrix Potter 733 downloads
History of the United States Charles A. Beard and Mary Ritter Beard 726 downloads
American Indian Fairy Tales W. T. Larned 725 downloads
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 719 downloads
The Story of Magellan and The Discovery of the Philippines Hezekiah Butterworth 716 downloads
Le Cabinet des Fées (French) 715 downloads
Histoires ou Contes du temps passé avec des moralités (French) Charles Perrault 714 downloads
Rose in Bloom Louisa May Alcott 711 downloads
Märchen für Kinder (German) H. C. Andersen 711 downloads
Little Lord Fauntleroy Frances Hodgson Burnett 708 downloads
The Little Mother Goose 706 downloads
The Heroes; Or, Greek Fairy Tales for My Children Charles Kingsley 705 downloads
The King of the Golden River John Ruskin 704 downloads
La novellaja fiorentina (Italian) Vittorio Imbriani 698 downloads
Selected Lullabies Eugene Field 698 downloads
Just so stories Rudyard Kipling 697 downloads