Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
How to Succeed as an Inventor Goodwin Brooke Smith
The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing Watson Smith
The History and Practice of the Art of Photography Henry Hunt Snelling
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value Harry Snyder
Water Supply: the Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells Ernest Spon
Non-technical chats on iron and steel, and their application to modern industry La Verne W. Spring
Gasoline and Oil Stoves, "New Process" and "Standard." 1901 Standard Lighting Company
Instruction for Using a Slide Rule W. Stanley
Surveying and Levelling Instruments, Theoretically and Practically Described. William Ford Stanley
The gunsmith's manual : A complete handbook for the American gunsmith, being a practical guide to all branches of the trade J. Parish Stelle and Wm. B. Harrison
Farm Engines and How to Run Them: The Young Engineer's Guide James H. Stephenson
Cutting and draping : a practical handbook for upholsterers and decorators John W. Stephenson
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier Bruce Sterling
How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Apparatus Thomas M. St. John
The Real Cyberpunk Fakebook St. Jude, R. U. Sirius, and Bart Nagel
Famous Days in the Century of Invention Gertrude L. Stone and M. Grace Fickett
Pikku haltijoita (Finnish) Harriet Beecher Stowe
Engineering Bulletin No 1: Boiler and Furnace Testing Rufus T. Strohm
Your 1952 Champion Owner's Guide Studebaker Corporation
U.S. Patent 4,293,314: Gelled Fuel-Air Explosive Bertram O. Stull
Twentieth Century Inventions: A Forecast George Sutherland
Essay on art and photography A. V. Sutton
Linotype mechanism Alvin Garfield Swank and Raymond Means
Opportunities in Aviation Arthur Sweetser and Gordon Lamont
The glue book : How to select, prepare and use glue J. A. Taggart