Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted by popularity)
Twenty-Five Cent Dinners for Families of Six Juliet Corson 224 downloads
Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery Eliza Leslie 224 downloads
A queens delight : or, The art of preserving, conserving and candying. As also, a right knowledge of making perfumes, and distilling the most excellent waters. Anonymous 224 downloads
Rigby's reliable candy teacher and soda and ice cream formulas W. O. Rigby 224 downloads
Spices and How to Know Them Walter M. Gibbs 224 downloads
Spices, Their Nature and Growth; The Vanilla Bean; A Talk on Tea Md.) McCormick & Co. (Baltimore 223 downloads
A Little Book for A Little Cook L. P. Hubbard 223 downloads
The Chemistry of Cookery W. Mattieu Williams 222 downloads
The Art of Confectionary Edward Lambert 222 downloads
Choice Recipes and Menus Using Canned Foods American Can Company. Home Economics Department 222 downloads
Better Meals for Less Money Marietta McPherson Greenough 221 downloads
A practical treatise on the manufacture of perfumery : comprising directions for making all kinds of perfumes, sachet powders, fumigating materials, dentrifices, cosmetics, etc., etc., with a full account of the volatile oils, balsams, resins, and other natural and artificial perfume-substances, including the manufacture of fruit ethers, and tests of their purity C. Deite 221 downloads
Le livre de tous les ménages (French) Nicolas Appert 221 downloads
A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House Jessie Conrad 221 downloads
Clothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley 220 downloads
Old and new favorites : crochet designs Spool Cotton Co. 220 downloads
El aceite de olivas : su extracción, clarificación, depuración, conservación y envases para su exportación, decoloración y medios propuestos para quitarle la rancidez (Spanish) Alessandro Bizzarri 220 downloads
Six Cups of Coffee Marion Harland, Maria Parloa, Helen Campbell, Mary J. Lincoln, Catherine Owen, Juliet Corson, and Hester M. Poole 219 downloads
Talks on Manures Joseph Harris 218 downloads
Twenty-four Little French Dinners and How to Cook and Serve Them Cora Moore 218 downloads
Home labor saving devices Rhea C. Scott 218 downloads
Motherly talks with young housekeepers Mrs. H. W. Beecher 218 downloads
Commentario de le piu notabili, & mostruose cose d'Italia, & di altri luoghi di lingua aramea in Italiana tradotto, nelquale si impara, & prendesi estremo piacere (Italian) Ortensio Landi 217 downloads
The Fireless Cook Book Margaret Johnes Mitchell 217 downloads
The Delmonico Cook Book: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It, and How to Serve It. Alexander Filippini 217 downloads