Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted alphabetically by author)
Panama to Patagonia : The Isthmian Canal and the west coast countries of South America Charles M. Pepper
Observations sur l'organisation des postes et messageries, présentées au Corps législatif (French) Joachim de Pérez
Principles of Political Economy Arthur Latham Perry
A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions Sir William Petty
Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmetic Sir William Petty
Beautiful Philippines: A Handbook of General Information Philippine Islands. Commission of Independence
Readings in Money and Banking Chester Arthur Phillips
American Negro Slavery Ulrich Bonnell Phillips
The Fight for Conservation Gifford Pinchot
The Stages in the Social History of Capitalism Henri Pirenne
An inquiry into the permanent causes of the decline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations : Designed to shew how the prosperity of the British empire may be prolonged William Playfair
Ireland In The New Century Sir Horace Curzon Plunkett
The Rural Life Problem of the United States Sir Horace Curzon Plunkett
The Camel and the Needle's Eye Baron Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby
Industrial Cuba Robert P. Porter
The basic facts of economics : A common-sense primer for advanced students Louis F. Post
The Regulating Silver Coin, Made Practicable and Easie, to the Government and Subject Samuel Pratt
System of Economical Contradictions; Or, The Philosophy of Misery P.-J. Proudhon
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government P.-J. Proudhon
A Short View of the Laws Now Subsisting with Respect to the Powers of the East India Company William Pulteney and John Stewart
Queensland, the Rich but Sparsely Peopled Country, a Paradise for Willing Workers Queensland Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau
Life of Adam Smith John Rae
The Crisis in Russia Arthur Ransome
Die Organisation der Rohstoffversorgung (German) Walther Rathenau
Oesterreich's Betheiligung am Welthandel: Betrachtungen und Vorschläge (German) Pasquale Revoltella