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Le piante utili dell' Eritrea (Italian)
Georg August Schweinfurth
Panama to Patagonia : The Isthmian Canal and the west coast countries of South America
Charles M. Pepper
Illustrations of political economy, Volume 8 (of 9)
Harriet Martineau
A vagyon tudománya (Hungarian)
J. A. Hobson
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies
marquis de Charles Casaux
History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce, Volume 2 (of 4)
W. S. Lindsay
Les manieurs d'argent à Rome jusqu'à l'Empire (French)
Antonin Deloume
Brazil today and tomorrow
L. E. Elliott Joyce
History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce, Volume 1 (of 4)
W. S. Lindsay
After the stock market crash of November, 1929 : A supplementary chapter to the psychology of speculation issued in 1926
Henry Howard Harper
The psychology of speculation : The human element in stock market transactions
Henry Howard Harper
The basic facts of economics : A common-sense primer for advanced students
Louis F. Post
The Cotton Kingdom, volume 2 (of 2) : A traveller's observations on cotton and slavery in the American Slave States
Frederick Law Olmsted
The Cotton Kingdom, volume 1 (of 2) : A traveller's observations on cotton and slavery in the American Slave States
Frederick Law Olmsted
Economic effects of the world war upon women and children in Great Britain
Irene Osgood Andrews and Margaret A. Hobbs
Industrial and commercial South America
Annie S. Peck
Nälkävuodet 1860-luvulla (Finnish)
A. Meurman
Rusticus : or, The future of the countryside
Martin S. Briggs
Ending the depression through planned obsolescence
Bernard London
Criminality and economic conditions
Willem Adriaan Bonger
Religion and the rise of capitalism : A historical study
R. H. Tawney
Political and commercial geology and the world's mineral resources
Money and trade considered : With a proposal for supplying the nation with money
John Law
An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
Charles A. Beard
Cultura e opulencia do Brasil por suas drogas e minas : com varias noticias curiosas do modo de fazer o assucar; plantar e beneficiar o tabaco; tirar ouro das minas, e descubrir as da prata; e dos grandes emolumentos que esta conquista da America Meridional da' ao Reino de Portugal, com estes, e outros generos, e contratos reaes (Portuguese)
André João Antonil
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