Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted by popularity)
Die Säge: Ein Rückblick auf vier Jahrtausende (German) Franz M. Feldhaus 191 downloads
Die Luftschiffahrt der Gegenwart (German) Hermann Hoernes 191 downloads
Your 1952 Champion Owner's Guide Studebaker Corporation 191 downloads
Story of the automobile: Its history and development from 1760 to 1917 H. L. Barber 190 downloads
The Development of Armor-piercing Shells (With Suggestions for Their Improvement) Carlos De Zafra 190 downloads
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 B. S. Randolph 190 downloads
Acid Rain and Our Nation's Capital: A Guide to Effects on Buildings and Monuments E. S. McGee 190 downloads
Shipbuilding from its beginnings. Vol. 2 (of 3) E. van Konijnenburg 189 downloads
An Account of the Bell Rock Light-House Robert Stevenson 189 downloads
Inventions of the Great War A. Russell Bond 188 downloads
Manufacturing Cost Data on Artificial Ice Otto Luhr and Herman Friedl 188 downloads
Motor Transports in War Horace Wyatt 188 downloads
The Cost of Shelter Ellen H. Richards 187 downloads
The Railway Conquest of the World Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot 187 downloads
Young Engineer's Guide J. V. Rohan 187 downloads
A Succinct View of the Importance and Practicability of Forming a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Panama H. R. Hill 187 downloads
A book of bridges Walter Shaw Sparrow 187 downloads
Optical Projection. Part 1: The Projection of Lantern Slides Lewis Wright and Russell Stuart Wright 187 downloads
Seattle Car & Foundry Company, Catalogue No. 3, December, 1913 Seattle Car and Foundry Company 186 downloads
The Young Mechanic James Lukin 186 downloads
The Water Supply of the El Paso and Southwestern Railway from Carrizozo to Santa Rosa, N. Mex. John Logan Campbell 186 downloads
Lightships and Lighthouses Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot 186 downloads
The Preparation of Plantation Rubber Sidney Morgan 186 downloads
Stair-Building and the Steel Square Fred. T. Hodgson and Morris Williams 185 downloads
Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Harold P. Manly 185 downloads