Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted by popularity)
La femme au dix-huitième siècle (French) Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt 378 downloads
The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume V 378 downloads
Feminism and Sex-Extinction Arabella Kenealy 377 downloads
Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 Elizabeth Cady Stanton 377 downloads
Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910 Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards, Florence Howe Hall, and Maud Howe Elliott 375 downloads
Physique de l'Amour: Essai sur l'instinct sexuel (French) Remy de Gourmont 370 downloads
Sex and Society: Studies in the Social Psychology of Sex William Isaac Thomas 368 downloads
The Position of Woman in Primitive Society: A Study of the Matriarchy C. Gasquoine Hartley 366 downloads
Work: A Story of Experience Louisa May Alcott 366 downloads
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races: An Interpretation Sanger Brown 365 downloads
Woman in Science J. A. Zahm 363 downloads
Historia Amoris: A History of Love, Ancient and Modern Edgar Saltus 361 downloads
Marriage in Free Society Edward Carpenter 360 downloads
A Problem in Greek Ethics John Addington Symonds 360 downloads
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, Vol. I Charles Darwin 360 downloads
A Compilaton on Women Universal House of Justice 357 downloads
The Business of Being a Woman Ida M. Tarbell 354 downloads
The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay Mary Wollstonecraft 353 downloads
The Sexual Life of Our Time in Its Relations to Modern Civilization Iwan Bloch 352 downloads
De l'amour (French) Charles Baudelaire 350 downloads
Sexueele Zeden in Woord en Beeld: Liefde en Zinnelijkheid (Dutch) D. Ph. van Vloten Elderinck 349 downloads
The Power of Sexual Surrender Marie Nyswander Robinson 349 downloads
The Clever Woman of the Family Charlotte M. Yonge 349 downloads
Étude Médico-Légale: Psychopathia Sexualis (French) R. von Krafft-Ebing 342 downloads
Some Reflections Upon Marriage. Mary Astell 337 downloads