Amy Foster
Joseph Conrad
The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume VI
Sex-Love, and Its Place in a Free Society
Edward Carpenter
The Man-Made World; Or, Our Androcentric Culture
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Notes sur l'Amour (French)
Claude Anet
The Homosexual Neurosis
Wilhelm Stekel
The Woman's Bible
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. 1 (of 3)
of Naucratis Athenaeus
Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman
William Godwin
Mrs. Warren's Daughter: A Story of the Woman's Movement
Harry Johnston
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century
Mrs. Loudon
Olive Schreiner
The Spinster Book
Myrtle Reed
Monsieur Vénus (French)
The Physiology of Marriage, Complete
Honoré de Balzac
The Ladies Book of Useful Information
A girl and her ways
Amy Le Feuvre
The Suffragette: The History of the Women's Militant Suffrage Movement, 1905-1910
E. Sylvia Pankhurst
The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV
William J. Robinson
Phallic Worship
Hargrave Jennings
My Life and Loves, Vol. 1 (of 4)
Frank Harris
Sexual Life of Primitive People
Hans Fehlinger
Psychoanalysis and Love
André Tridon
Characteristics of Women: Moral, Poetical, and Historical
Mrs. Jameson