Books in Browsing: History - American (sorted alphabetically by author)
Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian Anonymous
The Anti-Slavery Alphabet Anonymous
Souvenir Book of the Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908 Anonymous
Burton Island State Park: Guide to the Interpretive Nature Trail and Hiking Trail Stephen Antil
They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration Mary Antin
The Promised Land Mary Antin
An Address to Free Coloured Americans Anti-slavery Convention of American Women
An apology for abolitionists Conn. Anti-slavery Society of Meriden, Philo Pratt, Walter Webb, and Isaac I. Tibbals
On the Anzac trail: Being extracts from the diary of a New Zealand sapper Anzac
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe William Apess
The Will of Samuel Appleton, with Remarks by One of the Executors Samuel Appleton
España y los Estados Unidos de Norte América : a propósito de la guerra (Spanish) Agustín Aragón
The Annals of the Cakchiquels (Mayan languages) Francisco Hernández Arana Xajilá
America To-day, Observations and Reflections William Archer
Through Afro-America: An English Reading of the Race Problem William Archer
Tratado de Paz, Amistad, Comercio y navegacion entre la Confederación Argentina y la República del Paraguay (Spanish) Argentina and Paraguay
The immigration offices and statistics from 1857 to 1903 : Information for the Universal Exhibition of St. Louis (U.S.A.) Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura
Diario de la expedicion reduccional del ano 1780, mandada practicar por orden del Virey de Buenos Aires (Spanish) Francisco Gavino de Arias
A History of the Boundaries of Arlington County, Virginia Va. County Manager Arlington Co.
Carl Scharnhorst. Abenteuer eines deutschen Knaben in Amerika. (German) Armand
Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals William H. Armstrong, Henry Morford, and Jacob G. Frick
A History of Kansas Anna E. Arnold
Official views of the World's Columbian Exposition C. D. Arnold and H. D. Higinbotham
The American Egypt: A Record of Travel in Yucatan Channing Arnold and Frederick J. Tabor Frost
Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln Isaac N. Arnold