Books in Browsing: History - American (sorted alphabetically by author)
Reminiscences, Incidents, Battles, Marches and Camp Life of the Old 4th Michigan Infantry in War of Rebellion, 1861 to 1864 Orvey S. Barrett
Pomo Bear Doctors S. A. Barrett
Ceremonies of the Pomo Indians S. A. Barrett
A correct and authentic narrative of the Indian war in Florida Captain James Barr
The Lone Star Defenders : a chronicle of the Third Texas Cavalry, Ross' Brigade S. B. Barron
The Strange Story of Harper's Ferry, with Legends of the Surrounding Country Joseph Barry
A Literary & Historical Atlas of America J. G. Bartholomew
Presidential Candidates: D. W. Bartlett
Senatorial Character C. A. Bartol
The Red Cross in Peace and War Clara Barton
A Story of the Red Cross; Glimpses of Field Work Clara Barton
Angels of the Battlefield George Barton
The battle of the Swash and the capture of Canada Samuel Barton
The Soul of Abraham Lincoln William E. Barton
The Life of Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross (Vol. 1 of 2) William E. Barton
The Life of Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross (Vol. 2 of 2) William E. Barton
Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. William Bartram
L'Argentina vista come è (Italian) Luigi Barzini
Los Indios, su Historia y su Civilización (Spanish) Antonio Batres Jáuregui
Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy John M. Batten
Au Pays des Peaux-Rouges: Six ans aux Montagnes Rocheuses; Monographies indiennes (French) Victor Baudot
California Athabascan Groups Martin A. Baumhoff
Old Taverns of New York W. Harrison Bayles
A narrative of some remarkable incidents, in the life of Solomon Bayley : formerly a slave, in the State of Delaware, North America Solomon Bayley
Crestlands: A Centennial Story of Cane Ridge Mary Addams Bayne