Books in Browsing: History - American (sorted alphabetically by author)
A heroine of 1812 : A Maryland romance Amy Ella Blanchard
A frontier knight : A story of early Texan border-life Amy Ella Blanchard
A gentle pioneer : Being the story of the early days in the new west Amy Ella Blanchard
The Industrial Condition of Women and Girls in Honolulu: A Social Study Frances Blascoer
Argentina, Legend and History (Spanish) Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Carlos O. Bunge, Lucio Vicente López, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Bartolomé Mitre, Vicente López y Planes, Vicente Fidel López, Juana Manuela Gorriti, Pedro Lacasa, Marcos Sastre, Juan María Gutiérrez, Pedro Goyena, and Luis María Drago
The Land of Bondage: A Romance John Bloundelle-Burton
The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912 James H. Blount
Food Guide for War Service at Home Katharine Blunt, Frances Lucy Swain, Florence Powdermaker, and United States Food Administration
Ten Days in a Mad-house Nellie Bly
Ten Days in a Mad-House; or, Nellie Bly's Experience on Blackwell's Island. Nellie Bly
Six Months in Mexico Nellie Bly
Log-book of Timothy Boardman Timothy Boardman
The Central Eskimo Franz Boas
The settlement of Illinois, 1778-1830 Arthur Clinton Boggess
Aux mines d'or du Klondike (French) Léon Boillot
The Americanization of Edward Bok Edward William Bok
At the North of Bearcamp Water Frank Bolles
The Rogerenes: some hitherto unpublished annals belonging to the colonial history of Connecticut John R. Bolles and Anna B. Williams
The Harris-Ingram Experiment Charles E. Bolton
The Colonization of North America, 1492-1783 Herbert Eugene Bolton and Thomas Maitland Marshall
Famous American Statesmen Sarah Knowles Bolton
New Milford. A memorial discourse, delivered in the Congregational church, New Milford, Conn., Sunday, July 9, 1876 J. B. Bonar
Pickett or Pettigrew? An Historical Essay W. R. Bond
Vie de Christophe Colomb (French) baron de Pierre-Marie-Joseph Bonnefoux
Canada and the Canadians, Vol. 1 Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle