Books in Browsing: History - American (sorted alphabetically)
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100 New Yorkers of the 1970s Max Millard
100%: the Story of a Patriot Upton Sinclair
125th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry: Attention Batallion! Robert M. Rogers
14000 miles, a carriage and two women Frances S. Howe
1683-1920" Frederick Franklin Schrader
1812: A tale of Cape Cod Michael Fitzgerald
1990 United States Census United States. Bureau of the Census
1990 United States Census [2nd] United States. Bureau of the Census
1995 United States Congressional Address Book United States
21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers: Historical Memoranda
30,000 locked out : the great strike of the building trades in Chicago James C. Beeks
54-40 or Fight Emerson Hough
7 to 12: A Detective Story Anna Katharine Green
95% perfect" : The older residences at Nantucket Everett Uberto Crosby
aardbeving van San Francisco (Dutch) Hugo de Vries
Aarniometsän tytär : Seikkailukertomus intiaaneista ja uudisasukkaista Pohjois-Amerikan vapaussodan ajoilta (Finnish) Charles R. Kenyon
Abe" Lincoln's Anecdotes and Stories
Abenaki Indians Frederic Kidder
Abigail Adams and Her Times Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Able McLaughlins Margaret Wilson
Abolition a Sedition, by a Northern Man Calvin Colton
Abolition Crusade and Its Consequences: Four Periods of American History Hilary A. Herbert
Abolition Fanaticism in New York Frederick Douglass
Abolitionism Exposed! W. W. Sleigh
Abolitionists John F. Hume
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