Books in Browsing: History - Ancient (sorted by popularity)
The Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks Basil Edward Hammond 144 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 02 Georg Ebers 143 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 07 Georg Ebers 139 downloads
Ευθύφρων (Modern Greek (1453-)) Plato 139 downloads
La giovinezza di Giulio Cesare, Volume 1 (of 2) (Italian) Giuseppe Rovani 138 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 01 Georg Ebers 138 downloads
Akhnaton, King of Egypt Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky 138 downloads
Schools of Gaul in the last century of the Western Empire : A study of pagan and Christian education in the last century of the Western empire T. J. Haarhoff 136 downloads
Life and literature in the Roman republic Tenney Frank 136 downloads
Ojennusnuora (Finnish) Epictetus 136 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 08 Georg Ebers 134 downloads
Cleopatra — Volume 03 Georg Ebers 134 downloads
Troijan Helena yksityiselämässään (Finnish) John Erskine 134 downloads
Cleopatra — Volume 05 Georg Ebers 133 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 08 Georg Ebers 131 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 10 Georg Ebers 131 downloads
Gala Placidia : Tragedia en tres actes (Catalan) Angel Guimerá 131 downloads
Matkamuistelmia Egyptistä, Siinailta ja Palestiinasta 1859-1860 (Finnish) G. E. Beskow 131 downloads
Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks Edward Wortley Montagu 130 downloads
Bucolica (Finnish) Virgil 130 downloads
Persephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient Greece Clare Winger Harris 128 downloads
Serapis — Volume 03 Georg Ebers 127 downloads
Cleopatra — Volume 07 Georg Ebers 126 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 04 Georg Ebers 126 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 04 Georg Ebers 126 downloads