Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted by popularity)
1601: Conversation as it was by the Social Fireside in the Time of the Tudors Mark Twain 503 downloads
Edward the Second Christopher Marlowe 503 downloads
John Knox A. Taylor Innes 498 downloads
History of Australia and New Zealand from 1606 to 1890 Alexander Sutherland and George Sutherland 497 downloads
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 4 Henry Mayhew 492 downloads
Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. Volume 1 George Otto Trevelyan 490 downloads
Political Thought in England from Locke to Bentham Harold J. Laski 490 downloads
Le portrait de Dorian Gray (French) Oscar Wilde 489 downloads
London Clubs: Their History & Treasures Ralph Nevill 488 downloads
Latter-Day Pamphlets Thomas Carlyle 488 downloads
Traditions, Superstitions and Folk-lore Charles Hardwick 486 downloads
Richard III: His Life & Character, Reviewed in the Light of Recent Research Sir Clements R. Markham 484 downloads
Anglo-Saxon Britain Grant Allen 483 downloads
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12) Edmund Burke 482 downloads
Eminent Victorians Lytton Strachey 481 downloads
The Trial of Oscar Wilde, from the Shorthand Reports Charles Grolleau 480 downloads
Queen Victoria Lytton Strachey 479 downloads
The Children of the New Forest Frederick Marryat 478 downloads
The Rise of the Russian Empire Saki 478 downloads
Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, Vol. 1 of 2 Roger Bigelow Merriman 475 downloads
The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914 - 1919 W. C. C. Weetman 470 downloads
The Paston Letters, A.D. 1422-1509. Volume 6 (of 6), Part 1 (Letters, Chronological Table) 468 downloads
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 09 Robert Louis Stevenson 462 downloads
A history of English literature : A practical text-book Edward Albert 459 downloads
A Short History of England G. K. Chesterton 459 downloads