Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
York George Benson
Kálozdy Béla: Regény (2. kötet) (Hungarian) Zsolt Beöthy
La Repubblica di Venezia e la Persia (Italian) Guglielmo Berchet
Latvia & Russia: One problem of the world-peace considered Arveds Bergs
Wegweiser durch das sächsisch-böhmische Erzgebirge (German) Bruno Berlet
La pénétration saharienne (1830-1906) (French) Augustin Bernard and Napoléon Lacroix
A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium, during the summer and autumn of 1814 Richard Boyle Bernard
Mémoires du maréchal Berthier ... Campagne d'Égypte, première partie (French) Louis-Alexandre Berthier and Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
Mémoires du comte Reynier ... Campagne d'Égypte, deuxième partie (French) Louis-Alexandre Berthier and Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
Mediæval London, Volume 2: Ecclesiastical Walter Besant
Westminster Walter Besant
Holborn and Bloomsbury Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton
Westminster Walter Besant, G. E. Mitton, and Mrs. A. Murray Smith
Four Years in France Henry Digby Beste
Tijdtafel der geschiedenis van het vaderland (Dutch) Pieter Best
Holidays in Eastern France Matilda Betham-Edwards
The Roof of France; Or, the Causses of the Lozère Matilda Betham-Edwards
East of Paris: Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne Matilda Betham-Edwards
In the Heart of the Vosges and Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller" Matilda Betham-Edwards
Memoria sobre a descoberta das ilhas de Porto Santo e Madeira 1418-1419 (Portuguese) Emiliano Augusto de Bettencourt
Un'eroica famiglia bresciana - Fiero misfatto e fiera vendetta (Italian) Paolo Bettoni
Germany before the war baron Beyens
Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Jg. 1900 (German) Gustav von Bezold
Della guerra nazionale d'insurrezione per bande, applicata all'Italia (Italian) Carlo Bianco
A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Charlotte Biggs