Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
Venice and Its Story Thomas Okey 356 downloads
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 05 355 downloads
The Diary of Dr. John William Polidori, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etc. John William Polidori 355 downloads
The Wonders of Pompeii Marc Monnier 354 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 51, 1801-1840 353 downloads
Pasquale Paoli; ossia, la rotta di Ponte Nuovo (Italian) Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 353 downloads
A Revolução Portugueza: O 31 de Janeiro (Porto 1891) (Portuguese) Francisco Jorge de Abreu 352 downloads
Journal des Goncourt (Troisième série, troisième volume) (French) Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt 352 downloads
El clavo (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón 351 downloads
Vier Jahre Politischer Mord (German) Emil Julius Gumbel 351 downloads
Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, 1405-1449 (French) 351 downloads
The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition against Scotland, A.D. MCCLXIII. Sturla Þórðarson 350 downloads
The Story of the Great War, Volume 3 349 downloads
Peeps at Many Lands: Belgium George W. T. Omond 349 downloads
Chaucer and His England G. G. Coulton 349 downloads
Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes Robert Louis Stevenson 349 downloads
The Story of Florence Edmund G. Gardner 348 downloads
The Balkans: A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey D. G. Hogarth, Arnold Toynbee, Nevill Forbes, and David Mitrany 348 downloads
A Short History of Italy (476-1900) Henry Dwight Sedgwick 347 downloads
A History of the Third French Republic C. H. C. Wright 347 downloads
A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and Silesia Walter White 347 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 18 of 55 346 downloads
Journal de Jean Héroard - Tome 1 (French) Jean Héroard 346 downloads
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 346 downloads
España invertebrada: Bosquejo de algunos pensamientos históricos (Spanish) José Ortega y Gasset 345 downloads