Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
The diary of a Russian lady : reminiscences of Barbara Doukhovskoy (née princesse Galitzine) Varvara Dukhovskaia 340 downloads
Triumphs and Wonders of the 19th Century: The True Mirror of a Phenomenal Era James P. Boyd 340 downloads
Ten Years Later Alexandre Dumas 340 downloads
Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 339 downloads
España invertebrada: Bosquejo de algunos pensamientos históricos (Spanish) José Ortega y Gasset 338 downloads
The Napoleon Gallery Etienne Achille Réveil 338 downloads
Corinne; or, Italy Madame de Staël 337 downloads
Spagna (Italian) Edmondo De Amicis 337 downloads
La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 2 (French) A. de Beauchesne 337 downloads
Histoire de Paris depuis le temps des Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours - II (French) Théophile Lavallée 337 downloads
The Battle of the Marne G. H. Perris 336 downloads
Early Kings of Norway Thomas Carlyle 336 downloads
The Story of Ancient Irish Civilization P. W. Joyce 336 downloads
Recollections of Europe James Fenimore Cooper 336 downloads
The Hastings Road and the "Happy Springs of Tunbridge" Charles G. Harper 336 downloads
Our Fathers Have Told Us John Ruskin 335 downloads
The Lands of the Tamed Turk; or, the Balkan States of to-day Blair Jaekel 334 downloads
A Primer of Assyriology A. H. Sayce 334 downloads
The Sorceress of Rome Nathan Gallizier 333 downloads
The Cornwall Coast Arthur L. Salmon 332 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 29 of 55, 1638–40 332 downloads
The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race, Vol. 1 of 2 Karl Otfried Müller 332 downloads
Storia della decadenza e rovina dell'impero romano, volume 06 (Italian) Edward Gibbon 332 downloads
The Man Farthest Down: A Record of Observation and Study in Europe Booker T. Washington and Robert Ezra Park 332 downloads
Vita di Andrea Doria, Volume I (Italian) Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 331 downloads