Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
Five Months at Anzac Joseph Lievesley Beeston
My Three Years in a German Prison Henri Béland
Mille et un jours en prison à Berlin (French) Henri Béland
The Martyrdom of Belgium des lois et des coutumes de la guerre Belgium. Commission d'enquête sur la violation des règles du droit des gens and Gerard Cooreman
Notices on the outlasting war sites Belgium. Ministère de la défense nationale
The Yankee mining squadron : or, laying the North Sea mine barrage Reginald Rowan Belknap
The First Canadians in France F. McKelvey Bell
Wee Macgreegor Enlists J. J. Bell
Waterloo Hilaire Belloc
Tourcoing Hilaire Belloc
The Battle of Blenheim Hilaire Belloc
Malplaquet Hilaire Belloc
Crécy Hilaire Belloc
Poitiers Hilaire Belloc
The Two Maps of Europe, and Some Other Aspects of the Great War Hilaire Belloc
A General Sketch of the European War: The First Phase Hilaire Belloc
Canada in war-paint Ralph W. Bell
Hunting the Hun James Belton and E. G. Odell
Le novelle della guerra (Italian) Antonio Beltramelli
The World War and What was Behind It; Or, The Story of the Map of Europe Louis Paul Bénézet
Over There: War Scenes on the Western Front Arnold Bennett
The Roll-Call Arnold Bennett
With Methuen's Column on an Ambulance Train Ernest Nathaniel Bennett
The Downfall of the Dervishes; or, The Avenging of Gordon Ernest Nathaniel Bennett
Under the periscope Mark Herbert Joseph Bennett