Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Woman of Knockaloe: A Parable Sir Hall Caine
The Mania of the Nations on the Planet Mars and its Terrific Consequences James Howard Calisch
Experiences of a Dug-out, 1914-1918 Sir C. E. Callwell
Ten months in a German raider : a prisoner of war aboard the Wolf John Stanley Cameron
Through the Iron Bars: Two Years of German Occupation in Belgium Emile Cammaerts
Historical sketch of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers Edward Livingston Campbell
Verdun to the Vosges: Impressions of the War on the Fortress Frontier of France Gerald Campbell
A British army, as it was,--is,--and ought to be : illustrated by examples during the Peninsular War; with observations upon India; the United States of America; Canada; the boundary line; the navy; steam warfare, &c. James Campbell
The metal horde Jr. John W. Campbell
When the atoms failed Jr. John W. Campbell
Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War Robert Granville Campbell
Private Spud Tamson R. W. Campbell
John Brown: Confessions of a New Army Cadet R. W. Campbell
The Kangaroo Marines R. W. Campbell
For the defence of Canada Canada. Military Service Council
The Sepoy Edmund Candler
A History of the Army Experience of William A. Canfield William A. Canfield
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines M. Hamlin Cannon
Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Fifth Regiment of Foot, or Northumberland Fusiliers Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventeenth, or the Leicestershire Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Third, or Prince of Wales' Regiment of Dragoon Guards Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventh, or the Queen's Own Regiment of Hussars Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventy-first Regiment, Highland Light Infantry Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Thirty-ninth, or the Dorsetshire Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1702, and of its subsequent services to 1853. Richard Cannon