Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
Historical Record of the Twenty-first Regiment, or the Royal North British Fusiliers Richard Cannon
Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers Richard Cannon
Historical record of the Thirteenth, First Somerset, or the Prince Albert's Regiment of Light Infantry Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventh, or the Queen's Own Regiment of Hussars Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Twelfth, or the East Suffolk, Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon
Historical record of the Eighty-Sixth, or the Royal County Down Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventy-Third Regiment Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the First, or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Fourteenth, or the King's, Regiment of Light Dragoons Richard Cannon
Historical record of the Ninety-second Regiment, originally termed "The Gordon Highlanders" and numbered the Hundredth Regiment : Containing an account of the formation of the Regiment in 1794, and of its subsequent services to 1850 Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Thirteenth Regiment of Light Dragoons Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Seventy-Second Regiment, or the Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders Richard Cannon
Historical Record of the Fourth, or the King's Own, Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon
Historical record of the Sixty-Seventh, or the South Hampshire Regiment Richard Cannon
Le vieux muet, ou, Un héros de Châteauguay (French) J. B. Caouette
A Blue Devil of France: Epic figures and stories of the Great War, 1914-1918 G.-P. Capart
Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 2 van 3) (Dutch) J. van de Capelle
Het beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 3 van 3) (Dutch) J. van de Capelle
Confederate Military History - Volume 5 (of 12) Ellison Capers
Adventures of the Comte de la Muette during the Reign of Terror Bernard Capes
Gli animali alla guerra (Italian) Giulio Caprin
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 21 Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 12 Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 01 Thomas Carlyle
Personal Recollections of Chickamauga James R. Carnahan