Books in Browsing: How To... (sorted by popularity)
Seat Weaving L. Day Perry 156 downloads
ABC of Fox Hunting Sir John Dean Paul 156 downloads
From Kitchen to Garret: Hints for young householders J. E. Panton 155 downloads
It's Fun to Sew a Cotton School Dress Theta Johnson 155 downloads
Lloyd's Treatise on Hats, with Twenty-Four Engravings Robert Lloyd 155 downloads
The Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant Frederick Saunders 155 downloads
Spitzen und ihre Charakteristik (German) Bertha von Jurie 154 downloads
The Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs! General Foods Corporation 154 downloads
A Handbook of Fish Cookery: How to buy, dress, cook, and eat fish Lucy H. Yates 154 downloads
The Art of Lawn Tennis William T. Tilden 153 downloads
How Paper Boxes Are Made Robert F. Salade 153 downloads
How to Select Cows Willis P. Hazard 152 downloads
How to fence : Containing full instruction for fencing and the use of the broadsword; also instruction in archery Aaron A. Warford 152 downloads
The Doers William John Hopkins 151 downloads
The China Painter Instruction Book George Erhart Balluff 151 downloads
Experimental glass blowing for boys Carleton John Lynde 151 downloads
Mushroom and Toadstools Worthington George Smith 150 downloads
Mother's Knitter: Containing some patterns of things for little children Elvina Mary Corbould 150 downloads
Practical Carriage and Wagon Painting M. C. Hillick 149 downloads
How to Marry Well Duchess 149 downloads
Jackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist Edwin Ward Jackson 149 downloads
Hints for painters, decorators, and paper-hangers. An Old Hand 148 downloads
How to Sing Luisa Tetrazzini 147 downloads
The partnership of paint John W. Masury & Son 146 downloads
Christmas Magic for All Your Gifts, Using "Scotch" Brand Tapes and "Sasheen" Brand Ribbon Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company 145 downloads