Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
Racconti umoristici, vol. 2/2 (Italian) Achille Giovanni Cagna
The chutney lyrics: A collection of comic pieces in verse on Indian subjects Robert C. Caldwell
The Pirate's Pocket Book Dion Clayton Calthrop
La rana viajera (Spanish) Julio Camba
Windmills: A book of fables Gilbert Cannan
A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling (1726) Henry Carey
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh Thomas Carlyle
Mother Goose for Grown-ups Guy Wetmore Carryl
Fables for the Frivolous Guy Wetmore Carryl
Grimm Tales Made Gay Guy Wetmore Carryl
Fables for the Frivolous Guy Wetmore Carryl
Funny stories told by the soldiers : pranks, jokes and laughable affairs of our boys and their allies in the Great War Carleton B. Case
Stories from the trenches : humorous and lively doings of our boys "over there" Carleton B. Case
Alcibiade, la critica e il secolo di Pericle (Italian) Felice Cavallotti
Mielevä hidalgo Don Quijote Manchalainen I:2 (Finnish) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Anguish Languish Howard L. Chace
Ever Heard This? Over Three Hundred Good Stories F. W. Chambers
The Adventures of a Modest Man Robert W. Chambers
The cynic's breviary: Maxims and anecdotes from Nicolas de Chamfort Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort
Histoire de la caricature au moyen âge et sous la renaissance (French) Champfleury
Rollo in Society: A Guide for Youth George S. Chappell
High society : Advice as to social campaigning, and hints on the management of dowagers, dinners, debutantes, dances, and the thousand and one diversions of persons of quality George S. Chappell, Dorothy Parker, and Frank Crowninshield
Nous marions Virginie (French) Eugène Chavette
Manalive G. K. Chesterton
Fancies Versus Fads G. K. Chesterton