Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
Pour cause de fin de bail (French) Alphonse Allais
Contes humoristiques - Tome I (French) Alphonse Allais
Deux et deux font cinq (2 + 2 = 5) (French) Alphonse Allais
À se tordre: Histoires chatnoiresques (French) Alphonse Allais
The Nurserymatograph G. A. T. Allan
The Hybrids, An Epi-comic Satire An M. D.
The Monkey's Frolic: A Humorous Tale, in Verse Anonymous
L'anti-moine: nos numerus sumus & fruges consumere natis (French) Anonymous
Album chulo-gaiato ou collecção de receitas para fazer rir (Portuguese) Anonymous
Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies Anonymous
English as She is Wrote Anonymous
Jack and Jill and Old Dame Gill Anonymous
Clergymen and Doctors: Curious Facts and Characteristic Sketches. Anonymous
Holiday Frolics; Or, Endless Amusement for the Christmas Fireside Anonymous
Jokes For All Occasions Anonymous
Life on the Farm; in Amusing Rhyme Anonymous
How to Solve Conundrums Anonymous
L'ancien Figaro (French) Anonymous
The True Life of Betty Ireland Anonymous
Wehman Bros.' Irish Yarns Wit and Humor, No. 2 Anonymous
Diffinição da sécia (Portuguese) Anonymous
Les adevineaux amoureux (French) Anonymous
Irish Wit and Humor Anonymous
The Academy Keeper Anonymous
Swetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by women Anonymous