Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
How to Settle Accounts with your Laundress: An Original Farce, in One Act J. Stirling Coyne
The Funny Side of Physic Addison Darre Crabtre
A travers Paris (French) Crafty
New England Joke Lore: The Tonic of Yankee Humor Arthur George Crandall
Continuous Vaudeville Will M. Cressy
The Surprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion with Those of General Napoleon Smith S. R. Crockett
The Stickit Minister's Wooing, and Other Galloway Stories S. R. Crockett
William—the outlaw Richmal Crompton
William—the fourth Richmal Crompton
Just—William Richmal Crompton
William again Richmal Crompton
Still—William Richmal Crompton
More William Richmal Crompton
The old man's bag T. W. H. Crosland
The Mad Pranks of Tom Tram, Son-in-law to Mother Winter active 1635-1671 Humphrey Crouch
George Cruikshank's Omnibus George Cruikshank
Skookum Chuck Fables: Bits of History, Through the Microscope R. D. Cumming
The Potiphar Papers George William Curtis
None so Deaf As Those Who Won't Hear: A Comedietta in One Act Herbert Pelham Curtis
The Strange Adventures of Mr. Middleton Wardon Allan Curtis
L'autre monde; ou, Histoire comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune (French) Cyrano de Bergerac
A Parody on Princess Ida D. Dalziel
A Parody on Patience D. Dalziel
A Parody on Iolanthe D. Dalziel
Alf's Button W. A. Darlington