Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
The History and Records of the Elephant Club Q. K. Philander Doesticks and Edward F. Underhill
Facecies et motz subtilz, d'aucuns excellens esprits et tresnobles seigneurs (French) Lodovico Domenichi
Donahey's Cartoons J. H. Donahey
Paradoxes and Problemes John Donne
Imperfectly Proper Peter Donovan
Two Hundred Sketches Humorous and Grotesque Gustave Doré
I mattoidi al primo concorso pel monumento in Roma a Vittorio Emanuele (Italian) Carlo Dossi
The Placid Pug, and Other Rhymes Alfred Bruce Douglas
The book of Martha Mrs. Dowdall
Joking apart Mrs. Dowdall
Ignorant Essays Richard Dowling
German wit and humor : A collection from various sources classified under appropriate subject headings Minna Sophie Marie Baumann Downes
The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson Richard Doyle
Apina, joka ei ottanut kuollakseen : kertomuksia (Finnish) Henry Drummond
Discourses on Satire and on Epic Poetry John Dryden
The Rubaiyat of Ohow Dryyam J. L. Duff
Social Pictorial Satire George Du Maurier
Mr. Dooley Says Finley Peter Dunne
Observations By Mr. Dooley Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley's Philosophy Finley Peter Dunne
Le trésor des équivoques, antistrophes, ou contrepéteries (French) Léon Dupré-Carra
More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears Seymour Eaton
The Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore: A Farcical Novel Charlotte O'Conor Eccles