Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
A Fluttered Dovecote George Manville Fenn
Dawn O'Hara: The Girl Who Laughed Edna Ferber
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly called Peg, only lawful sister to John Bull, Esq. Adam Ferguson
Èl Sgner Pirein (Italian) Antonio Fiacchi
Watch Yourself Go By Al. G. Field
The Cynic's Rules of Conduct Chester Field
Nonsense for old and young Eugene Field
Little Willie Eugene Field
The House Eugene Field
History of Tom Jones, a Foundling Henry Fielding
The Old Debauchees. A Comedy Henry Fielding
Joseph Andrews, Vol. 1 Henry Fielding
Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2 Henry Fielding
Contes, anecdotes et récits Canadiens dans le langage du terroir (French) Aristide Filiatreault
Sysmäläinen: Humoristinen historiallinen romaani (Finnish) Jalmari Finne
The Story of a Doctor's Telephone—Told by His Wife Ellen M. Firebaugh
The Statesmen Snowbound Robert Fitzgerald
Roy Blakeley's roundabout hike Percy Keese Fitzhugh
Why They Married James Montgomery Flagg
Dictionnaire des idées reçues (French) Gustave Flaubert
The Asbestos Society of Sinners Lawrence Daniel Fogg
Comic Bible Sketches, Reprinted from "The Freethinker" G. W. Foote
The Literary Shop, and Other Tales James L. Ford
Thistledown: A Book of Scotch Humour, Character, Folk-lore, Story & Anecdote Robert Ford
Torchy Sewell Ford