Books in Browsing: Law & Criminology (sorted by popularity)
Our Legal Heritage: King AEthelbert - King George III, 600 A.D. - 1776 S. A. Reilly 166 downloads
A Code for the Government of Armies in the Field, United States. War Department and Francis Lieber 166 downloads
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume 08 Various 166 downloads
Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers 165 downloads
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1956 July - December Library of Congress. Copyright Office 165 downloads
Report of the Proceedings at the Examination of Charles G. Davis, Esq., on the Charge of Aiding and Abetting in the Rescue of a Fugitive Slave: Held in Boston, in February, 1851. Charles G. Davis and United States. Circuit Court 164 downloads
A Philadelphia Lawyer in the London Courts Thomas Leaming 163 downloads
The War Book of the German General Staff Prussia . Armee. Grosser Generalstab. Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung II 163 downloads
Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment 163 downloads
Jurgen and the law : A statement, with exhibits, of the Court's opinion, and the brief for the defendants on motion to direct an acquittal 162 downloads
Our Legal Heritage: The First Thousand Years: 600 - 1600 S. A. Reilly 162 downloads
The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti : A summary of the outstanding testimony Louis Bernheimer 162 downloads
The Great Harry Thaw Case; Or, A Woman's Sacrifice Benjamin H. Atwell 162 downloads
The Trial of Reuben Crandall, M.D. Unknown 162 downloads
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume 07 Various 161 downloads
Atrocious Judges : Lives of Judges Infamous as Tools of Tyrants and Instruments of Oppression Baron John Campbell Campbell 161 downloads
An Essay on the Trial By Jury Lysander Spooner 161 downloads
Science and the Criminal C. Ainsworth Mitchell 161 downloads
Is the Bible Indictable? Annie Besant 161 downloads
Der Fall Vukobrankovics (German) Ernst Weiss 160 downloads
The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 46, January 1907) Pennsylvania Prison Society 160 downloads
The Debs Decision Scott Nearing 160 downloads
History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States, Vol. 1 George Ticknor Curtis 160 downloads
The Judicial Murder of Mary E. Surratt David Miller DeWitt 159 downloads
Traité des eunuques (French) Charles Ancillon 159 downloads