Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg military tribunals under control council law no. 10, volume I
The Armed Forces Officer
United States. Department of Defense
Der Tatbestand der Piraterie nach geltendem Völkerrecht (German)
Paul Stiel
Bardell v. Pickwick
Charles Dickens and Percy Fitzgerald
The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law: The Law of Church and Grave
Charles Martin Scanlan
U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1954 January - June
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
The Fall River Tragedy: A History of the Borden Murders
Edwin H. Porter
The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories
Alexander Morris
Our Legal Heritage, King AEthelbert, 596 to King George III, 1775
S. A. Reilly
Crimes and Punishments
James Anson Farrer
The Chronicles of Newgate, vol. 2/2
Arthur Griffiths
The Right to Privacy
Samuel D. Warren and Louis Dembitz Brandeis
Anciennes loix des François conservées dans les coutumes angloises recueillies par Littleton, Vol. II (French)
David Hoüard and Sir Thomas Littleton
The Rights of War and Peace
Hugo Grotius
The Phœnix of Sodom; or, the Vere Street Coterie
Robert Holloway
Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic medicine and Toxicology. Vol. 1
R. A. Witthaus and Tracy C. Becker
Crime and Its Causes
William Douglas Morrison
A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis
Patrick Colquhoun
The Twelve Tables
The Trial of Henry Hetherington, on an Indictment for Blasphemy
H. Hetherington
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law
Roscoe Pound
The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
James Boyle
Marriage and Divorce Laws of the World
Hyacinthe Ringrose
Historia General del Derecho Español, Tomo I (Spanish)
Eduardo de Hinojosa
Race Distinctions in American Law
Gilbert Thomas Stephenson