Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted alphabetically)
Androcles and the Lion Bernard Shaw
Andromache: A Play in Three Acts Gilbert Murray
And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects) Karel Čapek and Josef Čapek
Animated cartoons : How they are made, their origin and development Edwin George Lutz
Anno 7603: Skuespil i 6 Acter (Danish) Johan Herman Wessel
año en quince minutos: pieza en un acto (Spanish) Manuel García González
Answering the Phone: A Farce Elizabeth F. Guptill
Anttonius Putronius eli Antto Puuronen: Ilveilys viidessä näytelmässä (Finnish) Ludvig Holberg
Apô-Apô (Zarzuela) at Kung Sinong Apô-Apô (Kasaysayan) (Tagalog) Pantaleón S. Lopez
Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 1 (of 2) Colley Cibber
Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 2 (of 2) Colley Cibber
April Fools: A farce in one act for three male characters W. F. Chapman
Araapilainen pulveri: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä (Finnish) Ludvig Holberg
Arnoldiana, ou Sophie Arnould et ses contemporaines; (French) Sophie Arnould
art de la mise en scène: Essai d'esthétique théâtrale (French) L. Becq de Fouquières
Art of Ballet Mark Edward Perugini
Art of Being Bored: A Comedy in Three Acts Edouard Pailleron
Art of Iugling or Legerdemaine Samuel Rid
Art of Stage Dancing Ned Wayburn
Art of Theatrical Make-up Cavendish Morton
Art of the Moving Picture Vachel Lindsay
Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and Inquiries Lawrence Gilman
Assassino de Macario: Comedia em tres actos (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
Assunta Spina: In due atti (Italian) Salvatore Di Giacomo
As You Like It William Shakespeare