Books in Browsing: Philosophy & Ethics (sorted alphabetically by author)
Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ Aaron Bernstein
The Scriptures able to make us wise unto salvation : or the Bible a sufficient creed F. H. Berrick
Adventures in the Land of Canaan R. L. Berry
Hugo de Groot en zijn rechtsphilosophie (Dutch) H. Bertens
L'Abbé de l'Épée: sa vie, son apostolat, ses travaux, sa lutte et ses succès (French) Ferdinand Berthier
D'Alembert (French) Joseph Bertrand
Saint Augustin Louis Bertrand
The Basis of Morality Annie Besant
Avatâras Annie Besant
London Lectures of 1907 Annie Besant
Annie Besant: An Autobiography Annie Besant
An Introduction to Yoga Annie Besant
Theosophy and Life's Deeper Problems Annie Besant
My Path to Atheism Annie Besant
Vier Voordrachten over Theosofie (Dutch) Annie Besant
Esoteric Christianity, or The Lesser Mysteries Annie Besant
Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History Annie Besant
The changing world, and lectures to theosophical students. Annie Besant
The Christian Creed; or, What it is Blasphemy to Deny Annie Besant
Is the Bible Indictable? Annie Besant
Death—and After? Annie Besant
Evolution of Life and Form Annie Besant
Occult Chemistry: Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater
Thought-Forms Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater
A philosophicall essay for the reunion of the languages : or, The art of knowing all by the mastery of one Pierre Besnier