Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Altruist in Politics Benjamin N. Cardozo
The Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign Henry Charles Carey
A Letter to the Society for the Suppression of Vice, on Their Malignant Efforts to Prevent a Free Enquiry After Truth and Reason Richard Carlile
Life of Thomas Paine Richard Carlile
Shall Turkey Live or Die? Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 21 Thomas Carlyle
A Letter from Major Robert Carmichael-Smyth to His Friend, the Author of 'The Clockmaker' Robert Carmichael-Smyth
Sex-Love, and Its Place in a Free Society Edward Carpenter
Never Again! A Protest and a Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe Edward Carpenter
State of the Union Addresses Jimmy Carter
An Essay on the State of England John Cary
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies marquis de Charles Casaux
Correspondence and Report from His Majesty's Consul at Boma Respecting the Administration of the Independent State of the Congo [and Further Correspondence] Roger Casement
The Crime Against Europe: A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914 Roger Casement
The Life of Cardinal Wolsey George Cavendish
The Struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction Charles E. Chadsey
Roadtown Edgar Chambless
Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, tome 8/8 (French) J.-B.-J. Champagnac
Cham et Japhet, ou De l'émigration des nègres chez les blancs considérée comme moyen providentiel de régénérer la race nègre et de civiliser l'Afrique intérieure. (French) A. de Chancel
The Centralia Conspiracy Ralph Chaplin
Causes and Consequences John Jay Chapman
Practical Agitation John Jay Chapman
"How Can I Help to Abolish Slavery?" or, Counsels to the Newly Converted Maria Weston Chapman
The Fertility of the Unfit W. A. Chapple
The Five Arrows Allan Chase