Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Grand Old Man Richard B. Cook
State of the Union Addresses Calvin Coolidge
Address of President Coolidge before the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America Calvin Coolidge
Definition & Reality in the General Theory of Political Economy Thomas Cool
Female Suffrage: A Letter to the Christian Women of America Susan Fenimore Cooper
American politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date : embodying a history of all the political parties, with their views and records on all important questions. Great speeches on all great issues, and tabulated history and chronological events. Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton
La patrie française (French) François Coppée and Jules Lemaître
The Rebel of Valkyr Alfred Coppel
The Legislative Manual, of the State of Colorado Thomas B. Corbett
A Lucta Civil Brazileira e o Sebastianismo Portuguez (Portuguese) José Soares da Cunha e Costa
Alsace, Lorraine et France rhénane (French) Stéphen Coubé
George Washington Calista McCabe Courtenay
Armageddon—And After W. L. Courtney
A short sketch of the evidence for the abolition of the slave trade, delivered before a committee of the House of Commons William Bell Crafton
The Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain J. A. Cramb
An American Politician: A Novel F. Marion Crawford
Pine to Potomac : Life of James G. Blaine: his boyhood, youth, manhood, and public services; with a sketch of the life of Gen. John A. Logan E. K. Cressey
Politica estera: memorie e documenti (Italian) Francesco Crispi
Questioni internazionali (Italian) Francesco Crispi
The Promise of American Life Herbert David Croly
Citizenship: A Manual for Voters Emma Guy Cromwell
Captain Jinks, Hero Ernest Crosby
Popular misgovernment in the United States Alfred Byron Cruikshank
Fifty Years of Public Service Shelby M. Cullom
Os factos (Portuguese) J. G. de Barros e Cunha