Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted by popularity)
The Papers and Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 4: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates Abraham Lincoln 239 downloads
The Village in the Jungle Leonard Woolf 239 downloads
America First: Patriotic Readings 239 downloads
Ten Years Near the German Frontier: A Retrospect and a Warning Maurice Francis Egan 239 downloads
Lord Palmerston Anthony Trollope 238 downloads
The Sovereignty of the Sea Thomas Wemyss Fulton 238 downloads
Estatuto de la L. F. (Liga Filipina) (Spanish) José Rizal 238 downloads
In our first year of war : messages and addresses to the Congress and the people, March 5, 1917, to January 8, 1918 Woodrow Wilson 238 downloads
A Short History of English Liberalism W. Lyon Blease 238 downloads
O Napoleão de Notting Hill (Portuguese) G. K. Chesterton 238 downloads
American Eloquence, Volume 1 238 downloads
Dictatorship vs. Democracy (Terrorism and Communism): a reply to Karl Kantsky Leon Trotsky 238 downloads
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 95, September 1865 Various 238 downloads
The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition Upton Sinclair 238 downloads
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 1 (de 4) (French) duchesse de Dorothée Dino 238 downloads
Monopolies and the People Charles Whiting Baker 237 downloads
The Iraq Study Group Report Iraq Study Group 237 downloads
The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume II Burton Jesse Hendrick 237 downloads
Female Suffrage: A Letter to the Christian Women of America Susan Fenimore Cooper 237 downloads
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Various Aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand D. G. McMillan and New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into various aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand 237 downloads
"Swingin round the cirkle" : His ideas of men, politics, and things, as set forth in his letters to the public press, during the year 1866. David Ross Locke 236 downloads
Compendio del derecho público romano (Spanish) Theodor Mommsen 236 downloads
The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It Hinton Rowan Helper 236 downloads
Contemporary Socialism John Rae 236 downloads
The Negro and the elective franchise. A series of papers and a sermon Archibald Henry Grimké, Kelly Miller, Charles C. Cook, John L. Love, John Hope, and Francis J. Grimké 235 downloads