Books in Browsing: Science - Chemistry/Biochemistry/Physics (sorted by popularity)
Experiments upon magnesia alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances Joseph Black 179 downloads
The Romance of the Microscope C. A. Ealand 177 downloads
Researches Chemical and Philosophical; Chiefly concerning nitrous oxide Sir Humphry Davy 177 downloads
An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Henry Paul Talbot 177 downloads
Chemiam artibus academicis jure esse inserendam (Latin) Hieronymus David Gaubius 176 downloads
The Riddle of the Rhine: Chemical Strategy in Peace and War Victor Lefebure 175 downloads
Legal Chemistry Alfred Naquet 175 downloads
Studies on Fermentation Louis Pasteur 174 downloads
Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2 Carl Wilhelm Scheele 170 downloads
The Soul Scar: A Craig Kennedy Scientific Mystery Novel Arthur B. Reeve 170 downloads
Culinary Chemistry Friedrich Christian Accum 170 downloads
Anleitung zur quantitativen chemischen Analyse (German) C. Remigius Fresenius 168 downloads
Inaugureele Rede (Dutch) Hieronymus David Gaubius 168 downloads
The reaction between manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate Arthur John Hopkins 168 downloads
The Toxins and Venoms and Their Antibodies M. Emm. Pozzi-Escot 167 downloads
Handbuch der chemischen Technologie (German) Johannes Rudolf Wagner 166 downloads
Forty Centuries of Ink David Nunes Carvalho 166 downloads
Acids, Alkalis and Salts George Henry Joseph Adlam 161 downloads
Collezione dell'opere del Cavaliere Conte Alessandro Volta - Tomo I, Parte I (Italian) Alessandro Volta 160 downloads
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung (German) Hermann Hager 160 downloads
The Chemistry of Plant Life Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher 157 downloads
The History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2) Thomas Thomson 156 downloads
A System of Pyrotechny James Cutbush 155 downloads
Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology Jas. F. W. Johnston 153 downloads
Meta toluene sulphonic acid and related compounds C. F. H. Allen 153 downloads