Books in Browsing: Science - Chemistry/Biochemistry/Physics (sorted alphabetically)
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Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism Giovanni Aldini
Acids, Alkalis and Salts George Henry Joseph Adlam
Alcoholic Fermentation Arthur Harden
Anleitung zur quantitativen chemischen Analyse (German) C. Remigius Fresenius
Atomic Fingerprint: Neutron Activation Analysis Bernard Keisch
Brief History of Element Discovery, Synthesis, and Analysis Glen W. Watson
Callinicus : A defence of chemical warfare J. B. S. Haldane
Chemiam artibus academicis jure esse inserendam (Latin) Hieronymus David Gaubius
Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum Alice A. Ball
Chemical History of a Candle Michael Faraday
Chemical warfare Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West
Chemistry for beginners Hereward Carrington
Chemistry of Food and Nutrition A. W. Duncan
Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing Watson Smith
Chemistry of Plant Life Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher
Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones John Mastin
Collezione dell'opere del Cavaliere Conte Alessandro Volta - Tomo I, Parte I (Italian) Alessandro Volta
Compendio di Chimica Fisiologica (Italian) A. Cominelli
Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 Mrs. Marcet
Creative Chemistry: Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries Edwin E. Slosson
Culinary Chemistry Friedrich Christian Accum
Determination of the Atomic Weight of Cadmium and the Preparation of Certain of Its Sub-Compounds Harry C. Jones
Dictionary of Explosives Arthur Marshall
Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2 Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Discovery of Radium Marie Curie
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